Conference INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS OF YOUTH takes place on the occassion of completion of the project INDESK funded under Erasmus+ scheme.

Project partners from France, The Netherlands, Hungary and Slovakia are convinced, that entrepreneurship is one of the possibilities how to solve a high unemployment rate. However, the decision whether to start a business career or not is a very tough one. Especially young people face a lot of challenges when it comes to entrepreneurship because of lack of finances, human and social resources. Also the right set of skills needed to survive in the business environment is necessary.

During the two years duration of the project the partners implemented different activities from analyzing the situation of young people on labour market, through the questionnaires, to creation of the blended training programme. The conference will give an overview of these activities and possibility to discuss this important topic between different stakeholders.

Conference will take place in Bratislava, on 27th August 2018.

27th AUGUST 2018
12.30 - 13.00
Registration of participants and welcome coffee
13.00 - 13.15
Welcome message
Henrieta Holúbeková, Ministry of education, science, research and sports of Slovakía
13.15 - 13.30
Project INDESK in nutshell - challenges & outcomes
Jakub Žabka, TREXIMA Bratislava, spol. s r.o.
13.30 - 13.50
E-learning platform
Diana Kozáková, TREXIMA Bratislava, spol. s r.o.
13.50 - 14.30
A successful story of a young entrepreneur
Oto Kóňa, NYC Corner
14.30 - 14.45
14.45 - 16.15
Discussion roundtable: How to support the entrepreneurship between young people
Monika Korkošová, Ministry of education, science, research and sports of Slovakia
Ivica Ďuricová, Young Entrepreneurs Association of Slovakia
Gabriela Horecká, State institute of VET, Slovak centre for training firms
Peter Kalčevský, Junior Achievement Slovensko
Ľudmila Velichová, University of Economics in Bratislava

Moderator: Ivana Koutná, TREXIMA Bratislava, spol. s r.o.
16.15 - 16.30
Jakub Žabka, TREXIMA Bratislava, spol. s r.o.

the team

We are committed to bring you innovative solution how to develop your entrepreneurship skills. Our partnership consists of 5 organizations which has expertise in trainings, e-learning, counselling, analysing and developing and implementing ideas to make your life on the labour market easier. 
Laurent Dedieu

As one of the founders of LENO Consulting, Laurent has extensive experience how to run a business. He is a keen promoter of innovative learning and a musician.
Maria Hernandez

As one of the founders of LENO Consulting, Laurent has some advice how to run a business. He is a keen promoter of innovative learning and a musician.
Mariann Magyar

As one of the founders of LENO Consulting, Laurent has some advice how to run a business. He is a keen promoter of innovative learning and a musician.
Zsuzanna Antal

As one of the founders of LENO Consulting, Laurent has some advice how to run a business. He is a keen promoter of innovative learning and a musician.
Rob Versteeg

As one of the founders of LENO Consulting, Laurent has some advice how to run a business. He is a keen promoter of innovative learning and a musician.
Guus Morjan

As one of the founders of LENO Consulting, Laurent has some advice how to run a business. He is a keen promoter of innovative learning and a musician.
Ildikó Hanuliaková

As one of the founders of LENO Consulting, Laurent has extensive experience how to run a business. He is a keen promoter of innovative learning and a musician.
Zoltán Hanuliak

As one of the founders of LENO Consulting, Laurent has some advice how to run a business. He is a keen promoter of innovative learning and a musician.
Diana Kozáková

As one of the founders of LENO Consulting, Laurent has some advice how to run a business. He is a keen promoter of innovative learning and a musician.
Jakub Žabka

As one of the founders of LENO Consulting, Laurent has some advice how to run a business. He is a keen promoter of innovative learning and a musician.


University Library in Bratislava
Conference room
Ventúrska 11
Ďakujeme. Váš komentár nám bol zaslaný.
Niečo nie je v poriadku. Skúste znovu, prosím.
Photogallery from the conference
Ďakujeme za registráciu. Vaša prihláška k nám bola zaslaná.
Krátko pred konaním konferencie Vám bude zaslaný potvrdzujúci mail.
Niečo nie je v poriadku. Skúste znovu, prosím.
TREXIMA Bratislava Ltd. manages the personal data provided in accordance with the principles laid down in EU Directive 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) and Act No 18/2018 Z.z. the protection of personal data and the adoption of certain laws for the purpose of their inclusion in the database and for informational purposes related to news on the labour market as well as information on changes and innovations in the INDESK project, in relation to the labour market and vocational training. This consent is voluntary and is granted indefinitely. This consent can be withdrawn in writing at any time.

TREXIMA Bratislava Ltd. will manage my voluntarily provided personal data in the INDESK project in accordance with the principles set out in EU Directive 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) 18 / 2018Z.z. the protection of personal data and the adoption of certain laws and will not provide such data to third parties. The project coordinator TREXIMA Bratislava Ltd. can make this information available to the project management authority of the Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation (SAAIC).
TREXIMA Bratislava, spol. s r.o.
Drobného 29
844 07 Bratislava
TREXIMA Bratislava, spol. s r.o.
Drobného 29
844 07 Bratislava
(c)INDESK 2016
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